2014 Visit by Professor Stephen Reder

Improving Adult Literacy: It’s About Time

Professor Stephen Reder, lecturer and researcher in Adult Literacy at Portland State University, visited Hobart in October 2014 as a guest of TCAL to present his Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning. The audio visual recording of the talk and the accompanying research brief present key findings and recommendations from the study, which focused on the development of literacy in adult life. Key questions addressed as part of the research included:

  • To what extent do adults’ literacy abilities continue to develop after they are out of school?
  • What are adult learners’ patterns of participation over time in literacy training and education? In other learning contexts?
  • What life experiences are associated with adult literacy development?
 How do formally organised basic skills programs contribute to these learning trajectories? Workplace training? Other contexts and activities?
  • What impacts does adult literacy development have on social and economic outcomes?

The event was facilitated by Dr Natasha Cica, director of kapacity.org, with panel members Geoff Fader (president Tasmanian Small Business Council), Professor David Adams (University of Tasmania; Former Tasmania Social lnclusion Commissioner), Ann Harrison (Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania), Dick Adams (former Federal MP for Lyons and TCAL’s Patron) and Dr Paul Blacklow (University of Tasmania, lecturer in Economics).

Watch Professor Stephen Reder’s speech

Read Professor Steve Reder’s research brief